Heart of the Earth
Adorn your body with one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces from Heart of The Earth in McCloud.
When you are searching for that one special piece of jewelry, you can count on Heart of The Earth in McCloud to have something that you will love.
McCloud Outdoors & Gear Exchange
All outdoor gear, clothing, and equipment- to rent or buy. Fishing & hunting licenses also available.
McCloud River Mercantile Co.
Classic and vintage lines for a unique shopping experience.
One Heart Collective
One Heart global is a marketplace for over 20 different ministries to sell their handcrafted items: made by women who have been rescued from being trafficked, are widowed, or in an at risk situation. Every piece empowers individuals worldwide.
Shasta Reflections
Unique Jewelry, Clothing, and gifts for everyone!
Candy Shoppe at the Mercantile
Old-fashioned candy store in the McCloud Mercantile building with a wide variety of delicious jarred sweets and plenty of packaged candy too. Step back in time!
The Great Exchange
Homemade, handcrafted, refashioned, recycled goods & services for a sustainable community